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BrainStim's Team

BrainStim Health team of dedicated professionals brings specialized expertise in mental health care, providing compassionate, evidence-based treatment tailored to your unique needs. We work collaboratively to ensure you receive the highest standard of care, combining clinical excellence with a patient-centered approach. With a commitment to your well-being, we strive to create a supportive environment where you feel heard, understood, and empowered on your journey to better mental health.
About doctor image

Dr. Venu Karapareddy

Psychiatrist, Founder & Director
“ Our mission is to improve the mental health of our patient using cutting edge technology and psychedelic assisted therapy."
  • 7 clinics across Canada
  • Experienced specialists in TMS, Ketamine Therapy, and Psychotherapy
  • Dedicated team focused on depression, anxiety, addiction, and PTSD
  • Committed to advancing mental health care with cutting-edge treatments
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Clinics across Canada
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Years of experience
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our team

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Dr. Venu Karapareddy
Psychiatrist, Founder & Director
Dr. Kiran Sayyaparaju
Dr. Alex Leung
Consulting Psychiatrist, Medical Director
Dr.Jayaraj Padmanabhan
Consulting Psychiatrist
Tatiana Santini
Clinical Director & Psychotherapist
Laurel Tien
Clinical Counsellor & Registerd Nurse
Richard Pucci
Chief Operations Officer, Centre of Clinical Excellence